日本財団 図書館


Article 10
The term "kinjite" applies to the following:
(1)Punching or hitting with a fist.
(2)Kicking the chest or abdominal area.
(3)Hitting or poking in the eyes, solar plexus or other vulnerable spot of one's opponent.
(4)Pulling an opponent's hair,
(5)Grasping an opponent's throat.
(6)Grabbing or pulling on an opponent's "maebukuro" (i.e. "maetate fundoshi").
(7)Bending back one or two fingers.
The chief referee shall immediately stop the match when a kinjite has been used.
Article 11
Decisions concerning a rikishi who has used the "harite" technique shall be based on the following:
(1)A rikishi shall be declared the loser if all referees (excluding those referees not judging the match) agree that he used the "harite" technique intentionally.
(2)A "torinaoshi" (i.e. rematch) shall be ordered if one or more of the referees has judged that the technique was not used intentionally.
(3)If during the rematch the same rikishi again uses the "harite" technique, he will be declared the loser regardless of whether it was used intentionally.
(1)The chief referee shall immediately stop the match when either of the rikishi has used the "harite" technique.
(1)The term "harite" refers to a rikishi's slapping his opponent in the face after bringing his arm to a point beyond his shoulder.
Article 12
A rikishi shall be declared the loser if the "maebukuro" of his mawashi comes undone during a match.
Article 13
The head referee may declare a rikishi the loser if he does not appear in the "dohyo-damari" after being called twice by the announcer.
Article 14
(1)The "tachiai", or opening charge, is defined as beginning the match with the chief referee's "kakekoe".
(2)The area where a rikishi places his hands is designated as being on the "shikirisen" and in front of the shikirisen.
(3)Tachiai in which a rikishi merely touches the dohyo momentarily with both hands are not allowed.
(4)Up to two "matta" are permitted in cases in which the movements of the rikishi are out of synchronization.
(5)When the chief referee judges that an improper tachiai has occurred, he shall declare a matta and instruct the rikishi to perform the tachiai again.




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